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The Gamboa Rainforest Reserve Press Page is designed to keep you up-to-date on the latest news and events at the hotel. Below, you will find the most recent press releases, articles about the reserve, announcements about hotel improvements and more. 

For more information, a press kit or to schedule a media visit, please contact us today. 

World Wildlife Day

The UN World Wildlife Day (WWD) is the global celebration of the many beautiful and varied forms of wild animals and plants on our planet as well as an occasion to raise awareness of the multitude of benefits that conservation provides to both wildlife and people and the plight of many threatened or endangered species. 

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Atlas Golden Fest 2020

Get ready for the best summer festival in Panama: Atlas Golden Fest!

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Panamá: primer lugar de Centroamérica en avistamiento de aves

Estos fueron los resultados del conteo (censo) realizado el 5 de mayo, durante el Global Big Day de EBird del cual fuimos parte.

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Annual Meeting for Conservation of Sloths

We are pleased to be the host country for the third international conference on the rehabilitation and conservation of sloth, which takes place this week in Panama and has brought together renowned specialists who are very committed to the conservation of these species.

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